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Kenter Canyon Parent Support Group

As a Charter School, we rely greatly on input, support and involvement from all our parents.  Your time, energy and financial contributions make many of our programs possible.   In 1983, parents at Kenter organized a non-profit corporation, Kenter Canyon Parents Support Group (PSG), to raise money for art, music, drama, physical education, computers, teachers assistants and many other extras that enhance our school.  This is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization and donations to it are tax-deductible.  PSG is organized and run by parent volunteers who put on fundraisers and coordinate more than $822,000 raised annually to cover the $1,875 per student it costs for our amazing enrichment program at our school.

All parents are automatically members of PSG and are encouraged and welcomed to attend PSG meetings.  During these periodic meetings you will have the opportunity to discuss ideas and concerns, meet other parents, and become involved in the events at the school.  These meeting are the best resource for learning more about what is happening at your child’s school.

If you any questions, please contact our PSG President. You are encouraged to be an active and involved parent.

Volunteers are Needed! 

Kenter Canyon has a great volunteer network, with many outstanding and committed parents that have helped to make our school such a standout success. We encourage you to get involved and make a difference. Please support our school by stepping up and contributing your time and talents.  LAUSD requires all volunteers to submit a completed application, have an active TB clearance, and have a full COVID-19 vaccination before volunteering. 

Recess and Lunch Supervision Volunteers: We welcome parent support during morning recess and lunch. Please review the handouts on the right to ensure student safety and promote effective communication. Sign-up link is shared weekly in the newsletter.

Classroom Volunteers: There are lots of other volunteer positions available in your child’s classroom. Serving as the head of a class committee is a great way to develop a relationship with your child’s teacher and to meet the other parents in your classroom. Serving as a class liaison to other school committees enables you to meet other parents in the Kenter Canyon community. You will receive a Classroom Volunteer Signup sheet from your Head Room Parent at Back to School Night showing many of the classroom volunteering opportunities available.

Head Room Parents: Being a Head Room Parent is a really great way to help your teacher and the kids in your child’s classroom, serve as a liaison for administration, Governance Council, and KCPSG, as well as meet other dedicated parents!! Room Parents responsibilities include acting as liaison between your teacher/administration and the rest of the classroom parents, organizing projects/activities under the direction of the teacher, soliciting a volunteer family from the class to host the Annual Giving Dinner Party, attending PSG General Meetings to enable you to effectively serve as the liaison between PSG and class parents, and coordinating a variety of different Class Volunteers for the school activities such as class projects and parties, annual giving, and other events.  HRPs serve as the ‘go to” person when parents have questions!  

PSG’s Volunteer Sign Up: One of the many things that makes Kenter Canyon Elementary School exceptional is YOU – our fantastic parent volunteers. Regardless of whether you have hours or days to commit, opportunities for you to make a difference abound. There is no commitment too small, or of course, too big.  Please join our parent volunteer sign up to learn about more ways you can get involved. Volunteer Sign Up

2024-2025 Officers & Board of Directors
President: Kimberly Neel
Vice President: Rachael Lyon
Secretary: Ilyse Levine
Treasurer: Cerena Han
Co-Directors, Fundraising: Jenn Hsu, Rachael Lyon
Director, Annual Giving: Melodi Simpson
Director, Communications: Meghan Thwaites
Co-Directors, Enrichment + Diversity:  Angelica Kawakami, Hideka Caicedo-Inoue
Director, Hospitality: Shabnam Banafsheha
Director, STAR Liaison: Rachel Hakakzadeh
Director, Operations: Jorge Caicedo

2024-2025 Head Room Parents

Ms. Rivera: Olivia Kwak, Sarah Newman
Ms. Stephens: Jerilyn Joel, Sheena Thakkar
Ms. Herzikoff: Charleen Halavi, Mori Khoubian

Ms. Shaloo: Patrick Sullivan

Ms. Devlin: Johanna Roca Martinez

Mr. Oliva/ Ms. Lane: Katrine Magas

Ms. Goy: Jenna Sprowl
Ms. Ready: Sonia Roham, Charleen Halavi

Ms. Lettieri: Hasty Yadegaran
Ms. Oh: Alex Baranick

Ms. Hansbrough: Brittney Hakimian
Ms. Lynch: Joanna Olson

Ms. Popielarski: Shradha Shroff

Ms. Lally: Melanie Miller

Ms. Laham: Rita Novel

Ms. Mackenzie: Dina Bernstein

Ms. Ross: Jen Abramowitz, Christy Metzler

Mr. Gabel: Erika Lange, Tina Taylor

Ms. Walsh: Pat Hom, Carolyn Loffredo

Mr. Risman: Dorita Ahdoot, Lisa Niehaus
Ms. Mahdi: Saraleen Basseri