KCPSG » Staff Giving Program

Staff Giving Program

Kenter Teacher & Staff 
End of Year Giving Program 2024

thank you staffWHAT IS END OF YEAR GIVING?
 The End of Year Gift Giving Program is a coordinated gift giving opportunity for Kenter families to show our appreciation to all of the people who touch our children’s lives here at Kenter.

DO I HAVE TO PARTICIPATE? Participation in this program is completely optional. As always, you are free to give gifts individually or to forego giving altogether. Your head room parent will not be collecting group end of the year gifts for your teachers.

IS MY CONTRIBUTION TAX DEDUCTIBLE? This is not a donation to PSG, and therefore your gift is not tax deductible.

HOW MUCH SHOULD I GIVE? Linked is a list of all the Kenter teachers and staff for suggested amounts. This list is for your reference only.  We recommend making a copy of this form and entering your amounts before giving on the online DonorView platform. The excel form is strictly for your convenience. 

WHAT IS THE DEADLINE? Tuesday, June 4, 2024 will be the final day to contribute.  

WHERE DO I GIVE?  Once you review the staff list, your gift can be made online through DonorView from now until the end of the day on Tuesday, June 4. Click the link below! 

Submit your gifts HERE!

If you have any questions, you can contact endofyeargiving@kentercanyon.org.

Thank you to our parent volunteer committee chairs, Jess Begum & Jenn Hsu for organizing the contribution drive this year.

Have a wonderful summer break!

-Kenter Canyon Parent Support Group