Health & Allergy
If it is necessary for your child to take medication during school hours, please contact our school office for the correct procedure and have your child’s physician complete this form. The parent or authorized adult must deliver the medication in the prescription bottle. Children may not bring medication of any kind to school.
Head lice is a common and annoying reality among elementary-aged children. Children can give head lice to other children when they share combs, hats, clothing, barrettes, helmets, scarves, headphones, or other personal items. When a student at Kenter Canyon is discovered with head lice, the parent will be contacted so the child can be picked up from school and be treated. A letter is sent home to the students in that class to encourage all parents to check their children. Upon return to school, the child must be checked by office staff or the nurse before being admitted to class. The child will not be permitted to class if lice continues to be detected. Every 3-4 days, examine members of your household who have had close contact with the person who had lice.
The school district carries no policy covering student injuries. However, on a completely voluntary basis, you may enroll your child in a student accident plan. Please contact United Healthcare at (866) 409-5733 for any questions you may have or enroll online at
Please be aware that there are students at Kenter who suffer severe allergic reactions to peanuts and other foods. We request that if you are helping to organize a classroom party, provide field trip snacks for your class, etc., that you refrain from including peanut butter or peanut byproducts so that these occasions can be fully enjoyed by all students. While we are not prohibiting you from packing peanut products in your child’s personal lunch, please be aware that we have students who may be affected. The cafeteria has tables clearly marked “Peanut Free Zone” and students who bring peanut butter or peanut byproduct foods in their lunch should avoid eating in the “Peanut Free Zone.” In addition to peanuts, dairy, eggs and wheat are also common allergens. We encourage parents to consult with our School Nurse as well as your child’s teacher should your child have any dietary restrictions or medical issues. While we understand it is difficult to accommodate for all allergens for a class event, open communication and awareness allow faculty and staff to ensure inclusion for all. Please consider this issue seriously. It is important for students to feel safe and not anxious in the simple act of eating and celebrating with friends.
If your child suffers from allergies and requires to keep medication on campus, please fill out this form with your child’s physician and turn into the front office.